Case Studies

doctor with a healthcare consultant

The Impact of Data Analytics in Healthcare

There is a wealth of information available that healthcare organizations can leverage to streamline efficiency and revolutionize patient care...
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doctor with a healthcare consultant

Best Practices for Healthcare Inventory Management

Healthcare inventory management is incredibly important in medical facility processes. Inventory management systems can help hospitals and other medical organizations streamline their processes to save time and money...
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how to measure productivity in healthcare

How to Measure Productivity in Healthcare

Healthcare is a main pillar of the U.S. economy, accounting for 19.7% of the national gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020. Nonetheless, healthcare does not always have...
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female doctor talking on phone

The Importance of Digital Health Technology

The importance of digital health has increased over time, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital health includes many distinct categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology, telehealth and more...
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doctor showing his colleagues a patient file on his digital tablet

How to Improve Clinical Documentation in Healthcare

With the increasing complexity of medicine and healthcare, there is great importance of capturing data accurately. Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) aims to represent a patient’s clinical status into coded data, which is then used for...
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medical supplies on shelf

The Value of Supply Chain Management in Healthcare

COVID-19 related supply chain disruptions across the United States have expedited the need to optimize supply chain management. This is especially true for health systems that aim to provide high-quality care, reduce cost, and ensure...
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Person washing hands in a sink

Importance of Environmental Services (EVS) in Healthcare 

A key challenge that health systems face involves healing patients in an environment in which many illnesses are highly transmissible. Environmental services (EVS), which is defined as all cleaning services that take...
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Revenue Cycle Management

Revenue Cycle Management & Its Importance in Healthcare 

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is the financial process that organizations use to manage the administrative and clinical functions associated with different steps of patient care from start to finish. The process starts...
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women speaking to man during interview

6 Qualities of a Successful Healthcare Consultant

While there is no exact template for success in consulting, our team shares a handful of qualities that help make us successful in what we do.
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consultant and doctor shaking hands

Pros & Cons of Working with a Healthcare Consultant

Healthcare consultants provide advice on business and administrative issues as they pertain to medical practices. While clinical aspects are a part of this, consultants look more broadly at ways to streamline...
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